jueves, 18 de marzo de 2010

GenealogiaSureste 402 New Registration and Sign-in for FamilySearch Programs

March 16, 2010

                                                                                                                                Information and tips

New Registration and Sign-in for FamilySearch Programs

Dear Family History Consultant:

We are excited about all of our new technological advances and acknowledge your role in assuring that members in your local unit are aware of our new tools and know how to use them. We are now pleased to announce that FamilySearch programs are rapidly moving toward using a new sign-in system that will allow you to have and use the same user name and password not only for all FamilySearch sites but also for other general Church Internet sites.

·         The new sign-in system is called an "LDS Account" for those who are Church members.

·         It is called a "FamilySearch account" for the general public.

·         The beta tests going on now for new.familysearch.org and for the Indexing program use this new sign-in system.

·         The next update of these two programs will require all Church members to sign-in using an LDS Account.

·         Other FamilySearch programs will send out notices when they begin to use LDS Account

·         You will need to be familiar with the LDS Account registration and sign-in process in order to help your ward members through it.

·         If you are not familiar with LDS Account, you can become familiar by registering for an LDS Account at wiki.familysearch.org.

·         LDS Account Help Page. Click this link for more information about LDS Account.

Again, we appreciate all you do and hope your work is enjoyable and productive.





U.S. and Canada: 1-866-406-1830                                                                                                                  

International: Go to http://contact.familysearch.org for more toll-free phone numbers

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Benicio Samuel Sanchez

"Haz tu Arbol Genealogico...El Arbol mas Hermoso de la Creacion"

Por medio de la historia familiar descubrimos el árbol más hermoso de la creación: nuestro árbol genealógico. Sus numerosas raíces se remontan a la historia y sus ramas se extienden a través de la eternidad. La historia familiar es la expresión extensiva del amor eterno; nace de la abnegación y provee la oportunidad de asegurarse para siempre una unidad familiar".
(Élder J. Richard Clarke, Liahona julio de 1989, pág.69)

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