miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009

GenealogiaSureste 208 Treasure Maps Genealogy UPDATE - from Robert Ragan

Robert Ragan here from Treasure Maps Genealogy site and email

This is a brief UPDATE (not the regular monthly newsletter).

Final Reminder - the Deadline is Here for "Pajama Genealogy System"
I am sending this "final reminder" as a courtesy, and will keep it
super short...

- The popular "Pajama Genealogy System" course, in it's current
 video on CDs format, will be gone after September 30th.

- NOTE: The info/order page - http://pajamagenealogy.com/
 will be up through October 1st.

- You can order by check (postmarked no later than October 1, 2009),
 or...you can order by PayPal.

 The "Pajama Genealogy System" training course includes:

* "PAJAMA GENEALOGY Research System" video on CDs course:
(Includes 4 CDs with additional Bonus and Reference Materials
on Disk #4 - There are over 3 1/2 hours of training).

- The Pajama Genealogy Promise: "How to do most of your genealogy
research from your home in your pajamas. Using your computer,
the Internet, and your kitchen table."

* "Guide to the Best Free Internet Genealogy Databases and How to
Use Them Step-by-Step" (Includes 2 CDs - with over 1-1/2 hours
training). This course is an ADDITIONAL free bonus when you order
the Pajama Genealogy video on CDs course. Together, with the Pajama
Genealogy System, you get over 5 HOURS of lessons.

* MORE BONUSES...I always add surprise bonus materials for those
who get the Pajama Genealogy course. One of the special bonuses is:

* Everyone who orders the Pajama Genealogy CDs this month will be
getting a coupon to ALSO get the upcoming new ebook version of the
"Pajama Genealogy 2.0" course for free.

- If you are a "visual learner" like me, and like to learn by
seeing things done in "action," and likes to see "every little
detail" about a topic, this your last chance to grab the course.

* GO TO:  http://pajamagenealogy.com/


COMING IN THE OCTOBER ISSUE of Treasure Maps Genealogy Newsletter...

* "Problem Solving Google Search Tips: How to Find Your Ancestors
  with COMMON Surnames (examples: Smith, Jones, Green, Brown)."

         My very best,

                   ;-) Robert

Robert Ragan
P.O. Box 372
North Manchester, IN 46962

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 Si quieres publicar en este grupo, envía un mensaje de correo
electrónico a genealogia-mexico-sureste@googlegroups.com
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 Para obtener más opciones, visita este grupo en http://groups.google.com/group/genealogia-mexico-sureste?hl=es.


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