domingo, 11 de julio de 2010

GenealogiaSureste 578 Index and Transcription for the 1779 census of San Bartolome (now Valle de Allende..

Frank Dominguez ha comentado tu publicación en el muro:

"I should mention that the Southern California chapter of the GSHA (Genealogical Socieity of Hispanic America) has available for sale the Index and Transcription for the 1779 census of San Bartolome (now Valle de Allende), the Index and Transcription for the 1777 census of Parral, and the Index and Transcription for the 1778 census of Santa Barbara; all of them in Nueva Vizcaya (modern day states of Chihuahua and Durango).  Coming soon will be the Index and Transcription for the 1768 census of Parral."

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